Kat Merry

Welcome Back, Beacon.

Main Street buzzes with new life after a challenging year
Spring has certainly sprung here in Beacon, NY.
The days are getting longer, the trees greener, and the once ice-covered sidewalks of Main Street now sing with the pitter patter of pedestrian feet. People have emerged from the confinement of their homes and with dissipating trepidation, Beacon is welcoming them with open arms.

The recent rainfall has primed this city for a soon-to-come tapestry of colorful blooms and rich grassy knolls. Dog’s and their owners venture out for spins around the block, meandering between visitors and neighbors who in kind, extend friendly hands for pats and belly rubs as they pass by.

Stores unhinge their window locks and pull back the curtains, allowing the crisp air to mingle with the aromas and chatter of indoor patrons. Chefs indulge in new creations, adding bits of this and dashes of that to embody the resurgence of a city pulse, in a plated dish.

In a word, it’s a time of rejuvenation for Beacon. It’s a time to reignite, recreate, and reenergize. The sweet hum of Main Street on a Saturday afternoon has returned and it delights once-stale ear drums like a jovial marching band far off in the distance.

It's all this city has been waiting to do- Come back to life.

As the local businesses, restaurants and galleries open their doors to let the light back in, we at Main Street Beacon are here to capture it, bottle it up, and hopefully share some of that light with you, Readers.

We'll see you out there, on Main Street.