
What a Great Day, (and a Tasty One At That) For Democracy!

Elementary students from the Manitou School in Cold Spring, in support of the Ukrainian people, especially the young students of Ukraine, showed their solidarity, and hosted a bake sale, in front of the office of Daniel Aubrey’s Realty, on Main Street, in Beacon this Sunday.

The proceeds are going to relief efforts in Ukraine, through “Voices of Children” and “World Central Kitchen”
All in all, these kids utilized Americas 1st amendment, and activated a bake sale event. Demonstrating peaceful and tasty activism! against the war!
 They raised $580.00 as “Beaconites and MainStreeters” gave their support and enjoyed the baked goods freely!
Freedom and Liberty, demonstrated in small ways, can bring big changes.
Let’s all do our part, just like these kids did, and support freedom, demand peace.
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